Gemstone Club is the global network of Gemstone W Circle alumni of mentors and mentees to stay connected and continuous learning.

About Gemstone W Circle
Gemstone W Circle is Global Women Connect’s own Circle of Excellence signature program to enhance and enrich different life stages of our women members, by opening doors for mentoring and networking across the world.
Why Gemstone?
Gemstones start life as a very normal rock, but when discovered, polished and shined, this rock becomes not only strikingly beautiful inside and out, but also valuable, precious and in high demand.
Why W? What does it stand for?
"W" stands for anything you want it to stand for, it can be Woman, Wonderful, Who I can be or want to be, What I need to do, Where I am and where I want to achieve, etc.
You decide what special meaning W holds for you. Be part of this Circle. Be Excellent.